Monday, February 22, 2010

DAY 14 Feb 22 Meaning for Existence

First things first - everyone submitted their good copy of Snowdon along with their two peer edited rough drafts.  Yay!  Obviously I had a belief (faith) that was greater than the collective ability of the class to live up to.  Several of you did, in fact, submit a good copy of Snowdon and two peer edited copies (Tia, Emily, Sam, Dan).

This next section of Metaphysics deals with the meaning of life and systems of belief.  We will be looking at the concepts of Supreme Beings and their existence or non-existence, Freedom of Thought, and the influence of the non-physical.   Is there a Supreme Being or God?  Why are we here?  Are we free to make our own decisions?  These are some of the main ideas we'll examine.

Keeping in mind the ideas above, we first watched this video of a light-hearted look at how the 10 Commandments came to be followed by a brief discussion.

Next I asked everyone to respond in writing to the question, "Are we free to believe?" as your first Philosophy Bites entry - this is a little like your own diary, journal, in your head meeting minutes, record, thinking legacy . . . well, it's hard to describe, but a place to write what you're thinking when a new idea is raised in this class.

Next I asked everyone to respond in one coherent sentence to the question, a oldie but a goody, "What is the meaning of life for you?"

Some of the ideas that arose from this ended up in three categories on chart paper on the back wall (Tia, Raven and Sophie wrote for the class):
Theological - emotions, divine purpose, altruism, passing traditions and beliefs to the next generation, 

Philosophical - leaving a legacy, exploring, happiness, nihilism, creating your own meaning, gain power,

Scientific - procreation, survival, finding beauty in nature, finding the meaning in life,

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