Friday, November 27, 2009

Epistemology Updates

Thanks for a great work week.  I hope you were able to use the periods to get a lot done.

A few reminders:

1.  The closure date for the unit is DECEMBER 7.  Your Matrix and Wiki assignments will not be accepted after this date.

2.  Seminars for epistemology are next week, DEC 1 and 2.  You MUST hand in your questions and answers during the seminar you participate in.  PLEASE make sure you have two copies of your questions and answers so that you are eligible for full marks. 

Have a great weekend ... and be sure to get some philosophy work done!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Parent's Night and Weekly Recap

Thanks to the parents of Courtney, Amy, Cara and Eric for joining me at parent's night last night.  If there are any other parents who would like to meet, please email me at

I hope you have enjoyed watching the Matix this week, and that the epistemological questions are coming at you with great speed!  Next week we will be working on the Matrix Review and the seminar preparation.  Seminars will begin the week of Nov. 30.

Please hand in your WIKI assignment if you have not already done so.

See you at 7:30 a.m. on Monday for the field trip!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Philosophy Presentations

I have posted all the info on the wiki.  Please see the left side of the home page to find the link that says philosophy presentations.  While you are reviewing the note, please post any reflections you have not completed so that you can hand in the 3 questions project!

Please bring your permission forms in tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Philosophers and their BIG ideas!

Your 3 Questions projects should be complete by tonight. Please hand in your annotated bibliographies and your dot jot pages when both posts are on the Wiki.

Mid-terms go home tomorrow! YAY!

You will continue tomorrow with your chosen theory from today's class. A reminder that you must do three things:
1. Identify the main epistemological question.
2. Outline the theory and philosopher being discussed.
3. Take the two boxes from your page and outline what they say, and what ideas are being presented.

Eric will be speaking at tomorrow's ceremony. Please remember to wear your poppy and to come to the ceremony to support him.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thanks to Eric!

Eric is the first one up and ready for the wiki on Monday! Could everyone else please read yesterday's post and join up!
