Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 19: Seminar

1.  Seminar Readings   Assignment
2.  March 9:   Chelsea                                March 10: Justine
                       Shaelyn                                                 Alex
                       Amber                                                   Nicole M.
                       Dani                                                      Alex M.
                       Niki                                                       Jon
                       Rebecca                                                 Mazen
                       Kevin                                                     Shauni
                       Casey                                                     Albert
                       Nicole D.                                               Eric
                       Luke                                                       Nicole M.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 17: Inside Ride and Work Period

For those of you not participating in Inside Ride please use the period to work on Snowdon and ALFQ.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 15: Personhood

1.  Peer edit Snowdon.

Recap of dates:
Snowdon due Monday Feb. 28
ALFQ due Friday March 11

CLOSURE DATE FOR UNIT: (meaning the drop dead date for both assignments): Friday March 25

Day 13 and 14: I'm away ...

Work periods to read your book, write your Snowdon, do the text reading ...


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 12: Meta project, Supreme Being

1.  Are we free to believe?  Discuss.
2.  Video
3.  Outline BIG meta project. Marking
4.  Book talk.
5.  Choose due dates.

pg. 172 #1, 2
rough copy of Snowdon assignment for peer editing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 11: Personhood Podcast part 2

BEFORE we begin:
Choose book for project.

1.  Finish listening to podcast from yesterday.
2.  Take notes on relevant links and theories.  Class Notes
3.  Decide on due date.
4.  Begin writing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 9: Sign-In (office)

Please sign-in at the main office at the beginning of period 2.
For Monday, please complete the text reading from day 8.

Links to class work from day 7 and day 8
Discussion   Final Criteria

Day 8: Personhood

1.  Finish defining a person.
2.  Continuum of personhood:

ape                         newborn                   dog                dolphin                      philosophy teacher
grade 3 student     grade 12 student     elephant    
on life-support       with dementia

3.  Video from yesterday
4.  Text reading:
Read pp. 133 - 139. Takes notes on the THEORIES and CRITERIA that each philosopher sets out.

John Locke
Daniel Dennett
Mary Anne Warren
Annette Baier
Personal Identity
Derek Parfit

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 7: The self and intro to personhood

1.  Complete First class travel from yesterday.
2.  What is a person?  Define and present.
3.  Video: Orangutan  Redine a person?
4.  Video:  Susan Savage-Rumbaugh  Redefine a person?
5.  What is more important to personhood; mind (consciousness) or matter (brain and body)?
6.  List your 5 criteria for personhood.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 6: Yesterday's work

Good luck on day 2 of the Girl's Hockey tournie!  They are 1 and 1 after yesterday!

Complete text readings, self theories and presentations as outlined yesterday.

Theories of Self

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5: Introduction to Metaphysics

Good luck to the Girls Hockey team in their tournament today and tomorrow!

1.  Luke will be starting the class.
1b.  Free the hikers   CNN     Part 1      Part 2 
2.  Intro to Metaphysics
3.  Text reading: chap. 6 pg. 112-119, and pg. 122 & 125.  Take notes on the following:
  • idealism
  • realism
  • materialism
  • monoism
  • dualism
  • determinism
  • ontology
  • subtance theory
  • bundle theory
  • narrative structure
  • project theory
4.  Discussion of Self theories;  Present to class.
5.  Read "First Class Travel" p. 140
6.  Class discussion

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 4: The Allegory of the Cave

1.  What is reality?  Define in groups and present.
2.  "Oh my ..."
3.  Introduction to Plato
4.  Allegory of the Cave: pg. 8-9
5.  Your personal philosophy?
6.  Versions of the allegory:  One  Two
7.  What is reality?
8.  Reality vs. Perception: Chart and discuss

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 3: You the philosopher

1.  Recap yesterday: ABC's and main questions
2.  You the philosopher and discussion

What we said as a class:
honest, critical thought, empathy, bravery, intelligence, curious, respectful, intellectual, accepting, originality, passion, loyalty, open-minded, opinionated, experienced, caring opinionated, questioning, unbiased, biased, abstract opinion (unique), denier of the box,  childlike, imaginative, truth-seeking, well spoken, disagreeing, ambition, confidence,

3.  Main question: Are humans by nature good or evil? Think-Pair-Share ... discussion
4.  A psychologist's perspective
5.  Does it matter?

Day 2: Snow Day

Enjoy the day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 1: Welcome!

1.  Story Time
2.  What happens to you when you study philosophy ... The Simpson's link to Philosophy
2.  History of Philosophy: with my love of song!
3.  Think outside the box ... what would you do?
4.  Logic problems.
5.  The BIG questions:  What do you want to look at?