Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 53 Descartes and Epistemology - the "Foundation"

Many of you were away today due to the play and other things.  First, our opening discussion . . .

1. No one believes it?
2. Only one person believes it?
3. It is accepted as fact?
4. It is proven by science?
5. It is proven by religion?
6. It hurts someone or a group?

In two columns, write the titles - 1. One thing I "Know",    2. One thing I "Believe"  (Things you think are true).

Things I Know are True
Stop Signs are Red
We need O2 to live
Two masses will be attracted by gravity
You know your own age
The earth is a ball
The Sky is Blue
You have ten digits on your hands
You know you're loved
You woke up today (on the right side of the bed!)
You exist
You can think
Your own birthdate
You live in Acton
You can drive a car
Air contains O2

Things you Believe are True
Religions are False
That space exists
Videogames are fun
We learn in school
We don't learn in school
Fitness is healthy
Jesus died on the cross for you
Jesus died on the cross for you
Jesus died on the cross for you
That a higher power exists
The universe is expanding
Other lifeforms exist out there
Religion is false
Religion is false
You have a bright future

What is it about "1." that makes it different from "2."?
# 1 will always have the same result while # 2 could have different results.
# 1 is a complete reality to you but # 2 still has room for movement.
# 1 is less subjective than # 2
# 1 is objective, # 2 subjective

Can you establish a "rule" to "test" the notion of "truth" for you?
More frequent experiences can help determine the truth. But what is the evidence is false?  The Methodology could be flawed.

Homework - have this conversation with your mom or dad tonight - what is their "rule" for determining truth?  what is your "rule"?

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