Monday, February 13, 2012

DAY 7 You the Philosopher and Metaphysics

1.  You the philosopher (How Philosophical Am I?) and discussion.

What we (you) said as a class:
Ethical, open-minded, curious, respectful, insightful, like debate, thinking, reflective, adventurous, hypothesizer, realist, patient, logical, optimistic, passionate, altruistic, determined, observant, studious, emotional, opinionated, non-biased, communicative, imaginative, questioner, supportive, willing, skeptical

2.  Main question: Are humans by nature good or evil? Think-Pair-Share ... discussion

Here's what YOU said:
There's a moving scale of inherent goodness or badness.  It's just about impossible to NOT do some harm just by living - we use more than we need.  Our attempts at using less, recycling and reusing are just not enough.
People are inherently good because we tend to INTEND to do good, but our experiences can change that outlook.  Also, we learn that things are good/no good through experiences.
People are taught to be good as they grow up.
People's intentions are more important than the results.

Bad? People are naturally bad because given the opportunity to do something "bad" most people would take that opportunity.  People's nature is such that we seek pleasure and avoid pain.
People are born selfish because we don't know any better - i.e.

3.  A psychologist's perspective
4.  Does it matter?

5.   Free the hikers   CNN     Part 1      Part 2 

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