Thursday, May 31, 2012

DAY 73 Ashley Article

Step 1:  In your notes please choose ONE option from each category for your future unborn child and explain to yourself why you chose that option.  One minute for each choice, total of five minutes!

Physical Features
Make my child beautiful
Make my child athletic
Make my child tall
Remove all genes for inherited diseases
Add a gene strengthening my child's immune system
Make my child shrewd in business
Make my child a musical prodigy
Make my child an artistic genius
Remove the gene for feeling emotional pain
Remove the genes for lying, cheating, and stealing
Add a gene for honesty
Social Skills  
Make my child the life of the party
Make my child compassionate
Make my child confident

Step 2: Please read the Ashley Article handout.  For further information on Ashley and her family's journey check out their family blog: Ashley Treatment.  And check out the family's suggestion for the ethical treatment of patients in Ashley's condition, Ashley Treatment Summary.

Please answer these Ashley Article Questions fully in your notebook:

1.  Who is the moral agent who exhibited the virtues or extremes of behaviour?

2.  Describe the moral agent's behaviour.

3.  Do you think the moral agent's actions were morally right or morally wrong?  Why?

4.  Draw a continuum similar to the one show in Fig 12.2 on p. 245 of your text.  Label it with a virtue exhibited (or not exhibited) by the moral agent and add the extremes at either end.  Locate the moral agent on the continuum .  Please comment on what you've drawn.

5.  Were the actions of the moral agent good?  Were they right?  Explain the difference.

6.  Please comment, using quotes, on what two different philosophers might say about the situation in which Ashley and her family find themselves.

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