Monday, May 7, 2012

DAY 54 Summary of Descartes' "Cogito" Argument

This is a summary of Descartes' "Cogito" Argument - his famous, "I think therefore I am" statement.  While he actually never wrote that exact phrase, the main point of Descartes was that it is necessary to establish a clean foundation upon which to build knowledge (the beginning of the school of Foundationalism in Epistemology).  Descartes accomplished this by doubting away each presupposition to the point where the only thing he could know for certain was that he was thinking - in other words by the very act of doubting things he could prove only that he was a doubter, a thinker.  Yes, he was the ultimate skeptic!

I had to leave at 12:00 today and you took up the Cogito torch with Mrs. Edwards.

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