1. Think, pair, share: With a partner, look at these definitions of a person. Discuss the good and bad of each definition. Rank them in the order to which you agree with them (accuracy in your mind). Leave out any you disagree with.
2. Share with another set of partners.
3. As a group of 4, write your own definition of a person. Share as a class.
4. In your groups of 4, list 5 criteria for personhood (5 things a person must have to be considered to have personhood status. Ex: self-awareness).
4a. Person? Our Criteria
5. Using this continuum, decide where each of these living beings appear.
6. Class continuum: where are your living beings? Discuss.
7. Introduction to Peter Singer.
8. Peter Singer on personhood. Do you agree with any/all/part of his definition of a person? How could his definition of a person affect law (government or social)?
9. NOTE: this next video is being used to contradict the previous video. It is not necessarily my belief or the belief of any member of this class. It is NOT graphic.
Abortion 73: anti-abortion group. Do you agree with any/all/part of their definition of a person? How could their definition of a person affect law (government or social)?
10. Susan Savage-Rumbaugh: The gentle genius of bonobos: Persons?
11. Personal response: written. For intro discussion tomorrow.
What is more important to personhood;
mind (consciousness) or matter (brain and body)?
Bring texts for tomorrow.
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