Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 39: Ethics

YES/NO presentation.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 35: Text

1.  Text work while I work with individual students.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 33: Intro to Ethics

1.  Is there such a thing as a selfless act?  Phoebe

2.  Small group discussions:
  Are Moral Choices Possible?
  Why Do the Right Thing?
  Can People Be Good Without a Common Idea of Good?
  How Should the Rightness or Wrongness of Actions Be Determined?

3.  Ethics Vocab List:
Vocabulary for Ethics

An approach that emphasizes the human or secular (non-religious)realm over the religious or spiritual realm.

Theories of action
Theories that deal with how people should act.

Theories of character (virtue theories)
Theories that deal with questions about character traits that are morally good and morally bad.

Theories of value
Theories that deal with questions about the things people value.

Moral Agent
Someone who is capable of thinking about a moral problem, making a decision how to act, and taking responsibility for this action.

Divine Command Theory
Right and wrong are defined by the commands of the supreme being.

Divine Command Ethicists
A person whose actions are defined by the commands of the supreme being.

Utilitarianism (Developed by John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham)
Morally good choices are those that result in the greatest good (amount of happiness) for the greatest number of people.

Kantian Ethicists
Believe that moral choices must be judged, not by their consequences, but by the good will of the moral agent. 

Believe that people should act in their own interest.

Believe that truths, and therefore morals, are understood by intuition (an experience that is independent of reasoning).

Knowledge that is supported by evidence.

Opinions that depend on personal feelings, experience, or thought.

5.  Read and take notes on pp. 242 - 259 of the text.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 32: Gwynne Dyer

Guest speaker Gwynne Dyer.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 31: work period

Please continue to work on ALFQ. 
Closure and due date is Monday October 22 at 1:00 pm.

You must sign in your work with me.

Days 28-30: Seminars 1,2 and 3


Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 27: Seminar prep

1.  Seminar prep

Here is the plan for next week.  On the day of your seminar your 3 questions and answers are DUE at the END OF THE CLASS.  Please remember that you will not be able to go and print them off, add to them etc.  You will need to have your Qs and As during the seminar so that you may use them.

ALFQ:  Due on THURSDAY October 18
CLOSURE:  Friday October 19

Seminar: Monday:



Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 25 and 26

1.  Seminar Prep

I will work with anyone who would like some feedback on their societal links and theory links on Friday.  We will also decide seminar groups on Friday.

A reminder that ALFQ is due next Thursday October 18.  Closure date is October 19.

Seminar questions and answers are due at the end of the period, before you leave class, on the day you participate in the seminar.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 24: Seminar information

1.  Seminar: what is it?  How does it work?
2.  Seminar  

Day 23: review

1.  Review theories and main ideas about supreme being(s). 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 22: Popcorn cont ...

Finish Life is Beautiful.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 21: Popcorn anyone?

Movie: Life is Beautiful

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 20: SSHHhhhhhhh

Reading period for ALFQ.

Day 19: University Fair

Enjoy the university fair!

For those people in class this will be a reading period.