Saturday, October 31, 2009

Check out this link!

This is what I'd like you to watch:

We're doing a wiki!

Alrighty ... I have learned a LOT this weekend. The project that was handed out on Friday will be changing slighty.

Could you all please join this weekend. I will be inviting you all to join my 3 questions wiki at

I'll fill you all in on Monday. For now, please join and remember to bring your email address to class!

Happy Hallowe'en!

Enjoy ... eat candy and be safe tonight! I'll bring in the extra candy on Monday!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Plan for next week

Thank you for being so flexible this week with the sign ins and our supply teachers. Here is the plan for next week:
Monday: review chapters 9-11
Tuesday-Friday: Outline project, choose due date, choose philosophers (no more than 2 people per philosopher) etc.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My apologies

Sorry for today ... still home sick. Please ensure that Chapters 9-11 are complete for Thursday. You will have chart work as review to complete in tomorrow's class.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Chapters 9-11

I am sorry I am not there today to review the info you have read about in chapters 9-11. I will be there tomorrow ... I just KNOW it! :)

Please write down any questions or concerns you have and post them on the parking lot paper in the class. Place them on post-it notes and I will address them all tomorrow.

Thanks for your diligence in getting this work done!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wag the Dog

What a great way to start the week! I hope you all enjoyed the movie. The concept behind Wag the Dog is, on one hand, scary ... and on the other hand ... frightening! You must question so much of what you learn, and read bias and spin on events with careful precision.

We'll be looking at a PowerPoint Presentation tomorrow on Epistemology and what exactly we "know". Please remember to bring your textbooks.

A reminder that the closure date for Metaphysics is this Monday, October 26th. Snowden and ALFQ may still be handed in up to this date.

Eric ... we miss you, and hope you feel better!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Epistemology: What do we know?

Great discussion today on what we know. Cara, I was impressed because you knew where I was going with my questions, and yet you valiantly kept answering them. Way to go! The ABC's of what you know were interesting ... and yet the question still remains ... what do we know for certain?

We looked at Dawkins' interview on CBC's The Hour today, in addition to the funny Epistemology intro video. It is strange to think that we know nothing but names!

We will be looking at theorists tomorrow so please remember your textbook.

Keep working on ALFQ and Snowden if you have not yet handed them in.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Work Squared

I know you have a TON to do right now, and I would like to see you continue to work with precision. Please let me know if you think this work week has been worthwhile, or if you find class time difficult to use effectively!

A reminder that seminar questions and answers are due ON THE DAY of your seminar and you cannot hand them in later. Please see me with any questions you have.

SNOWDEN is very overdue. It will determine your 5 week letter of concern if it is not handed in. Please remember, we chose the due date as a class.

Enjoy the night, and keep working!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Work Week: Oct. 5- 9

We've watched the movie(s), you have your book and seminar package, so it's time to work! Here are my suggestions for this week:

1. Snowden was due on OCt. 2. It was a date we had chosen as a class, therefore if you have not yet handed in your assignment, this should be your first priority.

2. The seminar was handed out today. As seminars are next week, and you MUST hand in your questions and answers the day of your seminar, they should be what you work on after Snowden.

3. ALFQ ... keep reading your book, and write down any questions that you think of, as you are reading. I am happy to review your questions with you, and let you know strengths and weaknesses of them.

As a reminder, here are the seminar groupings for next week:
Tuesday Oct. 13: Courtney, Chantal, S.J., Eric, Tess, Dylan, Kelly, Jorden
Wednesday Oct. 14: Rob, Amy, Emmy, Cara, Taylor, Nicole, Heather, Ashlie

We will work all week on these three assignments. Please let me know on Wednesday, if you would like a computer for Thursday and/or Friday.
